Tag Archives: speccy

Oh You Pretty Thing

It’s time again for Six Word Saturday

and this week I must proudly say:

I Have Got A Lovely Mug

I’ve always known this, of course. Johnny Depp’s eyes are the same colour as mine, George Clooney has exactly the same number of ears as I have and my name and Brad Pitt’s often appear in the same sentence (though admittedly the sentence is “Tinman looks absolutely nothing like Brad Pitt”).

But my Adonisness is not what I’m referring to here. I am referring to this:

I bought it online here at the Literary Gifts Company (have a look through their whole website, there are about a million things on it I’d love to have). I got it after seeing it on my friend Speccy’s blog, so if you all decide to buy one (and who could resist) then if you’re reading this, LGC, it’s really she who should get the commission.

But does it work, I hear you ask. Does using it stir my muse whilst I am stirring my tea?

Well it inspired today‘s post, so I’d have to say so far so good.

(For more Six Word Saturday posts, go here:)
